Fungal skin eruption is referred as Athlete's foot which affects both athletes as well as nonathletes but is limited to the foot. It might appear on the back of the foot, sole, or toe webs. The word is widely used to describe any type of skin inflammation of the foot in athletes. Although fungal infections are typically the cause, this may not be the formal description of this condition.
Itching, ulcers between the toes, reddish soles of the feet, scaly white skin, and agonizing lesions are all symptoms. You must visit your doctor right away if you have extreme pain, swelling, or redness, observe pus-like leakage, experience huge blisters on your foot, or get a fever. Buy the best Jock itch antifungal cream if you are experiencing such issues.
Causes of athlete’s foot
Contact allergens, perspiration, irritants, and rash, psoriasis, ill-fitting shoes, and interdigital bacterial toe web infections, as well as fungal infections, can all lead to dermatitis of the foot.
Fungi such as yeasts and moulds can be transmitted by exchanging an infected individual's footwear or socks. These can be commonly grown on the surfaces of restrooms and common showers, as well as in public pools and whirlpools, because they require a warm, damp environment to thrive. Athlete's foot appears to be quite infrequent in persons who use closed shoes only occasionally. Males in their forties and fifties are the most commonly affected.
Symptoms of athlete’s foot
Cracked and itchy, damp, white, scaly blisters or ulcers between the toes seem to be the most typical symptoms of athlete's foot. It is common for it to expand to the sole of the foot. A dry, scaly variant of athlete's foot results in a reddish "moccasin-like" patch over the soles of the feet. This condition frequently affects both feet. The infection may cause severe burning blisters in a minority of cases.
If your athlete's foot is interfering with your regular activities, you may need to consult a doctor. If it is merely a cosmetic inconvenience for you, you can hunt for the Best athletes foot cream and get rid of the problem as soon as possible.