Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ringworm: What is it, Causes and Cure

What does the name ringworm strike in your mind? A wriggly worm? Ringworm is actually a fungal infection that can affect any part of the body. It is caused by a fungi group known as dermatophytes. It can occur in adults but kids are more prone to this fungal skin infection. It affects the skin superficially and is not a very serious skin disease. However, if left untreated it can spread to the other parts of the body and cause athlete’s foot and jock’s itch. Treat your skin on time with a good ringworm cream with rich antifungal agents. 

It is always good to buy a natural antifungal cream to ensure that the treatment is skin-safe.

How to know if that rash on your elbow is ringworm?

It appears as a scaly, red patch of skin with a constant sense of irritation. It mostly occurs in a circular shape with thick raised borders, and sometimes blisters too. When the skin is prone to a lot of sweat and humidity, the warm folds of the skin become a host for the fungus. If that rash looks similar to what you just read, it's time to buy a good ringworm cream.

Ringworm commonly occurs on the following body parts:

  • Arms and underarms
  • Under the breasts 
  • Hair scalp
  • Legs, especially behind the knees

Treat the skin with a natural antifungal cream for synthetic chemical-free healing.

Why is a natural antifungal cream better?

Most topical ringworm creams are steroid-based. They offer temporary relief from the itching and might not do a good job at killing the fungus and curbing the infection. A natural ringworm cream can heal the skin gently along with active fungus killing. 

Get Nu Calmar’s Absolute Soothing Cream

With 20% undecylenic acid and plant-based antifungal elements, Nu Calmar’s natural antifungal cream is the solution to all fugal skin infections.


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