Showing posts with label athletes foot cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label athletes foot cream. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

3 Essential Habits To Keep Athlete’s Foot Away!

Have you been experiencing extreme itchiness and irritation between your toes and soles? There is a 90% chance that you are suffering from athlete’s foot. No need to panic! You can easily treat your feet with a good athlete’s foot cream. 

Athlete’s foot is a mild fungal skin condition caused by a fungi group known as Dermatophytes. The fungus inhabits the dead skin layers and damages the skin by making it dry and flaky. It is also known by other names such as Tinea Pedis, ringworm of the food, and moccasin foot. Using a natural antifungal cream can soothe the skin and quicken skin repair.

What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?

  • Peeling, flaky and dry skin
  • Cracking skin especially on the soles
  • Red patchy skin with blistery borders
  • Stinging or burning sensation

While athlete’s foot is a mild skin infection, sometimes these symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. It can cause trouble even in simple activities like walking and running. Use a natural and effective athlete’s foot cream to get rid of the irritation and pain.

NU Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream is an effective antifungal cream with plant-based natural formula and effective undecylenic acid that actively fights the fungus. 

Adopt These 3 Essential Hygiene Habits:

Wear clean socks and shoes: Make sure that you clean your work shoes and sports shoes at least once a month. Wash your socks in hot water and dry well in sunlight to get rid of fungus and molds. 

Don’t go barefoot: Avoid walking by swimming pools and in locker rooms without footwear. Always wear slippers and keep an athlete’s foot cream handy. 

Wash your feet: If you are an athlete, a sportsperson, or someone who has to be in sweaty shoes and socks almost all day, foot hygiene is essentially important. Wash your feet twice a day with warm water. Once done, pat dry it with a separate clean towel. Dry your feet completely before you apply an antifungal cream. 

With Nu Calmar’s natural antifungal cream formula, you can revive your skin with safe and soothing healing!


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Beat Fungal Infections With These Tips

Are you looking for an effective athlete’s foot cream online? Even though fungal infections sound mild and trivial, they can extremely uncomfortable. A fungal rash on the feet can cause trouble even in basic activities like walking and running. The itchy and painful sensation due to athlete’s foot can divert your attention from your daily tasks and make you irritable. If left untreated for long, athlete’s foot can turn into a serious fungal overgrowth. Treat your feet on time with a natural athlete’s foot cream.

Athlete’s foot can also spread to other body parts and cause ringworm and jock’s itch. Using an effective jock itch cream for men can heal the skin gently. 

How to prevent athlete’s foot?

  • Wear breathable footwear that allows the moisture and humidity to escape.
  • Soak your feet well in warm water and wash them with a good antifungal soap every day. 
  • Always use a natural athlete’s foot cream during your post-bath routine.
  • Clean your shoes well every week. Use dry and fragrant tissues to soak out odor and moisture from the shoes.
  • Clip your toenails every fortnight. 

Often in the case of men, the infection spreads to the inner thighs or groin region. To treat delicate skin, use a natural jock itch cream for men.

Can athlete’s foot lead to jock itch?

You must ensure that you keep the infected skin contact-free. The infection can spread via mere touch or sharing shoes or socks. While wearing pants or underwear, you might transfer the fungus from the feet to the groin. It can lead to severe itching and irritation in intimate areas. 

Jock itch can be embarrassing for men to admit, however, you can save yourself the awkwardness with jock itch cream for men

Nu Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream: The Athlete’s Foot Cream You Need

Nu Calmar’s natural antifungal formula is an all-in-one solution for fungal skin infections. Get the benefits of soothing essential oils and plant-based anti-microbial elements.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Say No To Untimely Itches With Jock’s Itch Cream For Men

Fungal skin infections can be embarrassing. Especially Jock’s itch can be awkward for men to admit even in front of doctors. A natural jock’s itch cream for men can save you from the trouble of awkward itches when in meetings or with friends. 

Essentially athlete’s foot and jock’s itch are caused by the same fungus. Athletic men who spend a major part of their day in sport's shoes are prone to athlete’s foot infections. Keeping a good antifungal athlete’s foot cream handy is advisable to keep the feet healthy. 

Why does jock’s itch occur?

Jock’s itch develops as a skin rash around the groin and if not treated on time may even spread to the genitals. It is caused by fungal and yeast overgrowth in the fold of the private parts and the inner thighs. When the skin folds and inner thighs stay sweaty for long, the moisture and the warmth create a perfect breeding ground for the fungus to grow and spread. It may happen when you don’t change your gym clothes post-workout or due to garments made of synthetic material that does not let the skin breathe and let the moisture escape. Using a jock’s itch cream for men regularly as a post-bath regimen can curb the infection and heal the skin quicker. 

Along with jock’s itch cream, using a good antifungal athlete’s foot cream can keep your feet healthy and fungus-free. 

How to avoid jock’s itch and athlete’s foot?

  • Nothing beats fungal infections better than hot showers. Bathe regularly and pat dry yourself well. Apply a jock’s itch cream for men regularly after showers.
  • Wear breathable underwear and pants to let the skin breathe and excess moisture escape.
  • Wear loose clothes with soft cotton material. 
  • Avoid wearing sweaty shoes and underwear for long after workout and jogging sessions.
  • Always keep a good antifungal athlete’s foot cream handy to soothe and heal the skin quickly.

Beat The Fungus With Nu Calmar’s Absolute Soothing Cream

Nu Calmar’s vegan antifungal formula is an all-in-one solution as the best jock’s itch cream for men as well as athlete’s foot cream. With natural elements and effective anti-microbial properties, it kills the fungus and heals the skin well.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Things You Must Know About Fungal Infections

Unlike how the term suggests fungal skin infections do not just affect the skin. It can spread to your toes, scalp, and feet soles as well. Some of the most common fungal infections are ringworm, athlete's foot, jock's itch, and yeast infections. Though fungal infections are mild, they can turn hazardous if not treated on time. An antifungal ringworm cream or good antifungal soaps and shampoos help you to prevent those itchy fungal rashes. 

Do you know that athlete's foot, jock's itch, and ringworm are caused by the same fungi named Dermatophytes? All three infections have similar symptoms but the only difference is the body parts that these appear on. Owing to the mildness, you can easily treat these infections with a good athletes foot cream or general antifungal cream. 

Some facts about fungal infections:

  • There are two types of fungal infections, one is superficial and the other invasive. Superficial fungal infections appear on the skin and can be treated in topical ways like applying an antifungal ringworm cream. Invasive infections involve body parts like the lungs and cause serious medical conditions that require comprehensive treatment. 
  • Some fungal infections can be caused by feminine deodorants and even tampons. One of the major hazards of wearing tampons for long is that it causes vaginal yeast infection. 
  • Apart from the common reasons like tight clothing, shoes, and improper personal hygiene, age is a factor that decides how prone you are to such infections. Young kids and the elderly face a good amount of risk of fungal infection owing to their weak immunities. A good athlete's foot cream or antifungal ointment is one way to prevent infection. 
  • Do you know that it can cause fever too? Yes, skin infections can turn into pus secretions and can lead to high fever and discomfort. 

Natural is always better!

Be it an athlete's foot cream or an antifungal ringworm cream, natural alternatives protect the skin from untoward side effects. 

Nu Calmar's Natural Antifungal Ringworm Cream and Athlete's Foot Cream

With Nu Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream, shift to a natural and skin-safe antifungal remedy. With plant-based ingredients and active antifungal agents, kill the fungus and soothe your skin for betterment.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Let’s Bust Some Myths about Athlete’s Foot

Fungal skin infections are common skin ailments that are caused due to excess moisture and heat, general lack of hygiene, and low immunity. Athlete’s foot is one such fungal skin infection which commonly appears on the feet, under the soles, and between toes. It is caused by the fungi called dermatophytes, commonly known as Tinea. Don’t go by the name, even if you are not an athlete, you might get infected too! If you love walking barefoot in muddy areas or near pools, get ready to be the host for the fungus! Stinky, sweaty feet are favorite breeding places for this fungus. You can prevent and cure the infection with an athlete’s foot cream

Do you know that jock’s itch and ringworm are similar skin infections caused by the same fungus? Yes, antifungal ringworm cream and jock’s itch creams work to kill the same fungus called dermatophytes. People don’t usually know about this due to incorrect information and common myths.

Let’s bust some myths about athlete’s foot 

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot, ringworm, and jock’s itch are different fungal infections.

Truth: Well no, all these infections are essentially caused by the same fungus and have similar symptoms. The only difference is the body parts in which these occur. 

  • Myth: Only reason behind athlete’s foot is poor hygiene.

Truth: No, you can also get athlete’s foot even if you wash your feet but don’t dry it properly. Using an athlete’s foot cream every day helps prevent the infection better.

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot will clear up and heal on its own.

Truth: No, it will not. You need to take proper treatment to heal the skin to prevent spreading and scarring. Apply a natural athlete’s foot cream after cleaning and drying the patch well. 

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot and ringworm do not happen more than once.

Truth: No, if you do not take proper precautions, you are likely to get infected repeatedly. Make it a habit to use an antifungal ringworm cream or athlete’s foot cream twice a day. 

Natural treatment is always better

No matter how good care you take, the fungus may somehow find its way to your feet and hands. Rather than lathering up your skin with synthetic ointments and creams, switch to natural ingredient-based antifungal creams. Natural athlete’s foot creams ensure zero side effects and soothe your skin well. 

Nu Calmar’s Natural Ringworm and Athlete’s foot Cream

One more myth about fungal infections and treatment is that synthetic creams are okay. Shatter this myth and buy Nu Calmar’s Natural Antifungal Cream and let your skin heal and breathe naturally. With essential oils and plant-based ingredients, Nu Calmar’s cream is a skin-safe treatment of all fungal infections.

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How to take care of your Toenails? Prevention & Cure of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a feet health condition that is triggered by unhealthy practice and ignorance of feet health. With little awareness and ca...