Thursday, May 27, 2021

Let’s Bust Some Myths about Athlete’s Foot

Fungal skin infections are common skin ailments that are caused due to excess moisture and heat, general lack of hygiene, and low immunity. Athlete’s foot is one such fungal skin infection which commonly appears on the feet, under the soles, and between toes. It is caused by the fungi called dermatophytes, commonly known as Tinea. Don’t go by the name, even if you are not an athlete, you might get infected too! If you love walking barefoot in muddy areas or near pools, get ready to be the host for the fungus! Stinky, sweaty feet are favorite breeding places for this fungus. You can prevent and cure the infection with an athlete’s foot cream

Do you know that jock’s itch and ringworm are similar skin infections caused by the same fungus? Yes, antifungal ringworm cream and jock’s itch creams work to kill the same fungus called dermatophytes. People don’t usually know about this due to incorrect information and common myths.

Let’s bust some myths about athlete’s foot 

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot, ringworm, and jock’s itch are different fungal infections.

Truth: Well no, all these infections are essentially caused by the same fungus and have similar symptoms. The only difference is the body parts in which these occur. 

  • Myth: Only reason behind athlete’s foot is poor hygiene.

Truth: No, you can also get athlete’s foot even if you wash your feet but don’t dry it properly. Using an athlete’s foot cream every day helps prevent the infection better.

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot will clear up and heal on its own.

Truth: No, it will not. You need to take proper treatment to heal the skin to prevent spreading and scarring. Apply a natural athlete’s foot cream after cleaning and drying the patch well. 

  • Myth: Athlete’s foot and ringworm do not happen more than once.

Truth: No, if you do not take proper precautions, you are likely to get infected repeatedly. Make it a habit to use an antifungal ringworm cream or athlete’s foot cream twice a day. 

Natural treatment is always better

No matter how good care you take, the fungus may somehow find its way to your feet and hands. Rather than lathering up your skin with synthetic ointments and creams, switch to natural ingredient-based antifungal creams. Natural athlete’s foot creams ensure zero side effects and soothe your skin well. 

Nu Calmar’s Natural Ringworm and Athlete’s foot Cream

One more myth about fungal infections and treatment is that synthetic creams are okay. Shatter this myth and buy Nu Calmar’s Natural Antifungal Cream and let your skin heal and breathe naturally. With essential oils and plant-based ingredients, Nu Calmar’s cream is a skin-safe treatment of all fungal infections.

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