Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Things You Must Know About Fungal Infections

Unlike how the term suggests fungal skin infections do not just affect the skin. It can spread to your toes, scalp, and feet soles as well. Some of the most common fungal infections are ringworm, athlete's foot, jock's itch, and yeast infections. Though fungal infections are mild, they can turn hazardous if not treated on time. An antifungal ringworm cream or good antifungal soaps and shampoos help you to prevent those itchy fungal rashes. 

Do you know that athlete's foot, jock's itch, and ringworm are caused by the same fungi named Dermatophytes? All three infections have similar symptoms but the only difference is the body parts that these appear on. Owing to the mildness, you can easily treat these infections with a good athletes foot cream or general antifungal cream. 

Some facts about fungal infections:

  • There are two types of fungal infections, one is superficial and the other invasive. Superficial fungal infections appear on the skin and can be treated in topical ways like applying an antifungal ringworm cream. Invasive infections involve body parts like the lungs and cause serious medical conditions that require comprehensive treatment. 
  • Some fungal infections can be caused by feminine deodorants and even tampons. One of the major hazards of wearing tampons for long is that it causes vaginal yeast infection. 
  • Apart from the common reasons like tight clothing, shoes, and improper personal hygiene, age is a factor that decides how prone you are to such infections. Young kids and the elderly face a good amount of risk of fungal infection owing to their weak immunities. A good athlete's foot cream or antifungal ointment is one way to prevent infection. 
  • Do you know that it can cause fever too? Yes, skin infections can turn into pus secretions and can lead to high fever and discomfort. 

Natural is always better!

Be it an athlete's foot cream or an antifungal ringworm cream, natural alternatives protect the skin from untoward side effects. 

Nu Calmar's Natural Antifungal Ringworm Cream and Athlete's Foot Cream

With Nu Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream, shift to a natural and skin-safe antifungal remedy. With plant-based ingredients and active antifungal agents, kill the fungus and soothe your skin for betterment.

Main Source : https://naturalantifungalcream.wordpress.com/2021/06/22/things-you-must-know-about-fungal-infections/

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