Monday, August 2, 2021

How To Protect Children From Common Fungal Infections?

Fungal infections are common among people of all age groups, regardless of sex. However, while adults can reduce the risk of infection by taking proper care of themselves, children remain susceptible to fungus, bacteria, and yeast attacks due to their habits. No matter how well you take care of them, they might end up playing in the mud or a puddle and be vulnerable to skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. For children's sensitive skin, using the best athlete’s foot cream with natural antifungal formula is an effective and skin-safe treatment. 

Male teens are highly prone to jock itch. Boys often find it embarrassing to admit as it occurs in the groin region and inner thighs. It can be easily treated with a good jock itch antifungal cream. 

Precautions for children to avoid fungal skin infections:

Skin infections are superficial and not particularly hazardous. However, in the case of children, their immunities are weaker as compared to adults and they might even fall sick due to the fungal infection. 

  • Ensure that your kids bathe twice a day in warm water and with a good antifungal soap for sensitive young skin. 
  • Use the best athlete’s foot cream regularly post-shower on dry and clean skin as a preventive measure to tackle any fungus.
  • Teach your kids not to share any items like hats, helmets, or combs with their friends as it may cause ringworm of the scalp.
  • Teach them the importance of changing their clothes and showering after outdoor play sessions.
  • In the case of male teens who are more inclined to rigorous sports activities, make sure that they avoid locker room infections by keeping a jock itch antifungal cream handy. It saves them from awkward urges to itch and irritation in the groin region. 

Why opt for natural antifungal creams?

Most topical treatments have a steroid-based formula which can adversely affect the sensitive skin of children. A natural antifungal cream ensures that it kills only fungus and curbs the infection without causing any untoward allergy or irritation to the delicate skin. 

Go Natural with Nu Calmar’s Best Athlete’s Foot Cream

Nu Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream is a plant-based formula with active antifungal properties that treat the skin with a soothing effect. It is the perfect jock itch antifungal to treat the sensitive private area and inner thighs with healing essential oils. 

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